Spring Outdoor Activities

Varying your exercise routine every 6-8 weeks will help you stay physically challenged and mentally engaged. If you want your body to stay enthusiastic and excited about exercise, try adding something new to your workout today! Spring is the perfect time to change things up. Be willing to get out of your comfort zone. Getting outdoors, for instances, can help battle spring fever and get you up, out and moving!

Walking Simple right? But there’s nothing like a walk outside in the fresh air to boost your spirit and refresh your soul. If you do not enjoy walking alone, why not start a walking club at work or in your neighborhood? It’s always more fun to walk with friends. Relationship issues, parenting struggles and job woes won’t seem as overwhelming after a good chat and walk. You may be surprised at how therapeutic and energizing walking really is.

Swimming is one of the best physical activities for any age group. It strengthens many aspects of your body: your lungs, legs, arms, core, and most importantly, your heart. Swimming provides a full body workout without having your body weigh you down with every move you make.

Hiking Take walking to another level! Explore new territory with your significant other, family or friends. Join a Meet-up Group if you need someone to go with or aren’t sure where to hike. Bring water and a snack, and set off on an adventure! Hiking doesn’t just help control body weight, it also improves your mental health.

Biking can be done basically anywhere, anytime! Recreational biking through your neighborhood, cycling or mountain biking can liven up a stagnant workout routine. Enjoy the scenery by yourself or with family or friends. Remember to wear your helmet!

Obstacle courses are a fun way to get outside for a full body workout. They build endurance and can improve your speed and agility with every turn. Go to a local park, join a boot camp, sign up for a mud run, set up your own obstacles in your backyard, and get moving!

Plant a garden. While enjoying yourself in the garden, you are also strengthening the major muscle groups, building healthier bones and joints, and burning calories. Be mindful of practicing proper body mechanics as you stretch to reach for weeds or tall branches, bend to plant, lift bags of mulch, push a wheelbarrow, shovel dirt, and so on. Gardening is purposeful. There’s nothing like putting your hands in the dirt, digging and creating something beautiful to enliven your mood.

Crank up the tunes. We all have our favorite songs that make us feel happy and energized, but have you ever made a playlist of your most favorite, motivating songs and then worked out to it? If not, you could be missing out on one of the fitness industry’s most tried-and-true practices for increasing motivation and workout intensity. Researchers have found that when people play their favorite music during a workout, their feelings of exertion are reduced (even though are often working out more intensely), and their sense of being “in the zone” increases. So if putting on a playlist of favorite songs boosts performance and reduces perceived effort during training, you could run faster, walk longer or lift heavier without even noticing the extra effort!